Rik Berry
Rik Berry

Rik began painting in high school with Robert Bateman as his teacher. There he gained inspiration and awareness for painting nature. Over the last few years Rik’s artistic passion has been kindled with a new prophetic edge as he sees God both in nature and moving today in the lives of people.

Rik and his wife Cathy have six children, almost seven grandchildren, and live in the Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia. They pastor Valley Gate Vineyard, which they began in 1999, and have a passion to see Kingdom community emerge, flourishing in justice, mercy and the arts. Rik’s art and the confluence-of-the-arts events he leads reflect this passion.

It is both inspirational and prophetic. His art has become a vehicle for expressing the prophetic call of God to prepare for an awakening in the way we walk with Him and in the way we express ourselves in the community of the Kingdom. 

Rik has a doctorate in theology from Acadia Divinity College. His thesis studies how the arts are the language of postmoderns and what might shift in the way we do theology to accommodate today’s culture.